How to Handle Lost or Damaged Packages on AliExpress?

Have you ever ordered a package that then got lost or arrived damaged? This can be a frustrating experience, especially when you are looking forward to your new purchase. Here’s a guide on how to address this issue and what you can do to retrieve or replace your lost or damaged items.

Situation Explained

Imagine ordering a watch from AliExpress and upon receipt, you find only a piece of metal in the box, no watch. This happened to a customer named Lukasz. The package seemed to have gotten lost somewhere in the repacking process. What do you do in such a ‘strange situation’?

Step-by-Step Solution

  1. Contact the Seller: The first thing you should do is contact the seller on AliExpress. It’s crucial to do this as soon as possible to increase your chances of resolving the issue. The seller can assist you in figuring out what went wrong and how to fix it.
  2. Proof of Shipment and Receipt: Make sure you keep all proofs of shipment and any correspondence with the seller. This may be needed if you have to provide evidence of what you received versus what you should have received.
  3. Use Escalation Channels: If the seller is unhelpful or unresponsive, you can use AliExpress’s escalation channels. This involves opening a dispute through the platform. AliExpress will then act as a mediator between you and the seller to find a solution.
  4. Request a Refund or Replacement: Depending on the situation, you may ask for a replacement of the lost item or a refund. Be clear and polite in your communication to increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

Additional Tips

  • Be Patient but Persistent: These processes can sometimes be lengthy, especially when it involves international shipping and communicating with sellers who may speak different languages.
  • Document Everything: Keep all correspondence, receipts, and other relevant documents. This can be crucial if the issue escalates.


Need help or more information? Feel free to contact us on our contact page or order directly at VraagAlex Order.

Lastly, remember that online shopping always carries risks, and it’s important to be prepared for such situations. We hope this guide helps you effectively handle any issues with online orders.

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