Sometime I just get an idea. Having AliExpress Support in English seems like a nice plan and something I am willing to try out. That’s what the blog is for.
Want to get AliExpress Support? Click here!
For now you will realize that most of the other pages are in Dutch. However, when enough people visit this page, I will create a new community for English speakers. The goal is to get the best possible network of people together so that everyone and anyone can get the information they need before making a purchase. My only goal is to help.
Get AliExpress support! Click here!
Our current system is really set up for the Dutch language. That means our current WhatsApp channel, which is fast approaching 10.000 contacts, needs to change. We want to add the English language through another number, so that we know which language to speak to out users. From januari 2020 there will be a live chat in English on this website.
Why AliExpress support?
We are getting way to many complaints from people buying through the Chinese webshop. The AliExpress support from China is simply nog that great. I want to change that and really help people. The people in China can then focus on what they are good at, which is creating products and selling.
Want to get in touch? Contact us!
If you are interested in running a website like this one, I can help you with a running start. The system is ready, you just need to follow all of the steps that I have taken to grow this website from nothing to now reaching over 1300 new potential buyers daily. Just let me know. AliExpress support should be amazing and soon will be!
Find out how the ‘standard’ AliExpress support is! Click here!
My real goal is to help as many people as possible. Are you ready to make a big change?
Originally posted 2019-09-18 06:15:42.